Since the USACE repaired the South jetty in 2012-3 the area has experienced accelerated erosion losing over 300’ of shoreline protection and experiencing flooding and storm damage to homes and infrastructure in 2020-1. The USACE has received funding to do a maintenance dredge of the Merrimack River and under a Section 204 project, place approximately 260,000 cubic yards of sand on the beach at North Point during the Winter 2021-2. USACE and DCR (project sponsor) are coordinating to finalize approvals, permits and bidding timeline. The project was delayed until 2022-3 as the sole bidder was 2x the USACE estimate. As of February, 2022, the Army Corps expects to solicit bids by mid April, award contract by late June and begin work in the early Fall when the environmental window opens.
The USACE will place 60,000 cubic yards at 100% Federal expense which is unusual. The remaining 180,000 cubic yards will be subject to non-Federal cost sharing (State and local) of 35%.
We are also working with the USACE to address structural modifications to stop the gyre which causes the erosion. Options include rebuilding the Spur or a similar structure, or T shaped breakwaters as proposed in the recent DCR Sediment Study. (see graphics below).
In the short term, we are working with Mayor Holaday to get approval to install a system of coir bags with wooden poles to provide protection until the dredge and beach nourishment can occur. (see bottom drawing). As of October, 2021 this project is moving forward with $400k in State funding and $100k from the City.

Dredge & 204