The USACE will be dredging the Piscataqua River in 2021-2 and estimates @600,000 cubic yards of sand will be available. The contract was awarded to Great Lakes Dredge & Dock on 9-30-21. We anticipate that @300,000 cubic yards will be purchased at low cost to deposit in permitted sites off Plum Island and Salisbury as indicated in the nearby graphic. The remaining @300,000 cubic yards was originally to go to Nantasket Beach however as of 10-2-21 that is no longer the case and State leaders are exploring whether we can purchase some of this additional sand which will otherwise be dumped offshore at Isle of Shoals. We have advocated with the USACE and Town of Newbury to have the sand concentrated in the Southern portion of the PI permitted zone between Center Island and 17th St where erosion continues to be a problem. As of February, 2022, 62,000 cubic yards have been deposited in the Newbury site.

Through the efforts of the MRBA, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is providing economic and agency support for this project as evidenced by this letter